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" I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving story — An old rude song, that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace ; For well she knew I could not choose But gaze upon... "
The Flowers of Literature: Consisting of Selections from History, Biography ... - Página 180
por William Oxberry - 1824
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A book of favourite modern ballads [ed. by J.C.].

Book - 1860 - 218 páginas ! my Genevieve ! She loves me best, whene'er I sing The songs that make her grieve. I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving story...rude song that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. IOVK. She listen'd with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace ; For well she knew,...
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A book of favourite modern ballads [ed. by J.C.].

Book - 1860 - 196 páginas ! my Genevieve ! She loves me best, whene'er I sing The songs that make her grieve. I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving story—...rude song that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. l.dVE. f She listen'd with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace ; For well she knew,...
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Poets of England and America; being selections from the best authors of both ...

England - 1860 - 532 páginas
...My Genevieve! She loves me best whene'er I sing The songs that make her grieve. I played a soft aud doleful air, I sang an old and moving story — An old rude song, that fitted well The ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest...
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The Loves and Heroines of the Poets

Richard Henry Stoddard - 1861 - 552 páginas
...Genevieve ! She loves me best, whene'er I sing, The songs that make her grieve. 44 •» I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving, that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace; For well she knew I could not...
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The Loves and Heroines of the Poets

Richard Henry Stoddard - 1861 - 526 páginas, my Genevieve ! She loves me best, whene'er I sing, The songs that make her grieve. I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving, that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace ; For well she knew I could not...
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Folk Songs

John Williamson Palmer - 1861 - 540 páginas, my Genevieve ! She loves me best whene'er I sing The songs that make her grieve. K 87 I played a soft and doleful air; I sang an old and moving, that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace ; For well she knew I could not...
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The Book of Georgian Verse

William Stanley Braithwaite - 1909 - 1334 páginas ! my Genevieve ! She loves me best, whene'er I sing The songs that make her grieve. I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving, that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace; For well she knew, I could not...
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The Harvard Classics, Volume 41,Página 2

1910 - 542 páginas
...and ah ! The deep, the low, the pleading tone With which I sang another's love Interpreted my own. She listen'd with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace; And she forgave me, that I gazed Too fondly on her face ! But when I told the cruel scorn That crazed...
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English Literature in the Nineteenth Century: An Essay in Criticism

Laurie Magnus - 1909 - 440 páginas
...method in the making : a ruined tower, and an evening twilight, a statue of a knight in armour, and ' an old rude song, that suited well that ruin wild and hoary ', are the sought-out ingredients of a ballad which opens, as it were, on the top note of poetic adoration...
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Lyrical Verse, Selected and Edited, Volume 2

Oswald John Fredeick Crawford - 1910 - 240 páginas ! my Genevieve ! She loves me best, whene'er I sing The songs that make her grieve. I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving, that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace ; For well she knew, I could not...
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