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" I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving story — An old rude song, that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace ; For well she knew I could not choose But gaze upon... "
The Flowers of Literature: Consisting of Selections from History, Biography ... - Página 180
por William Oxberry - 1824
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The Heiress: A Novel ...

Ellen Pickering - 1834 - 246 páginas
...scene, HaoV blended with the lights of eve, And she was there, my hope, my joy, My own dear Gencvieve. She listen'd with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes, and modest grace, And she forgave me that I gaz'd Too fondly on her face." WE will pass over our heroine's grief for...
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Lady's Cabinet Album

1835 - 418 páginas
...! my Genevieve ! She loves me best, whene'er I sing s The songs that make her grieve. X I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest grace ; For well she knew I could not...
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The Parterre, Volume 2

1835 - 428 páginas
...statne of the armed knight; She stood and listened to my harp, Amid the lingering light. I played a sad and doleful air, I sang an old and moving story, — An old rude song, that fitted well That ruin wild and hoary. Coleridge's Dark Ladie. He is forsworn, if e'tr those eyes of...
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The Poetical Works of S. T. Coleridge, Volume 1

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1835 - 320 páginas
...The songs that make her grieve. I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving stoiy — An old rude song, that suited well That ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and-modest grace ; For well she knew, I could not...
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The Parterre, Volume 2

1835 - 428 páginas
...those eyes of your» Behold another day-break in the East. But even this night, whose black contagious I sang an old and moving story,— An old rude song, that fitted well That ruin wild and hoary. breath Already smokes about the burning crest OF the old, feeble,...
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The Parterre of fiction, poetry, history [&c.]., Volume 2

1835 - 430 páginas
...of the armed knight; She stood and I> ->> >>, , to my harp, Amid the lingering light. I pla>ed a sad and doleful air, I sang an old and moving story, — An old rnde soog, tlml fitted well That ruin wild and hoary. Coieridge's Dark Ladie. He is forsworn, if e'er...
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A Garland of Love, Wreathed of Pleasant Flowers, Gathered in the Field of ...

Garland - 1836 - 248 páginas joy, my Genevieve I She loves me best whene'er I sing The songs that make her grieve. I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving story...ruin wild and hoary. She listen'd with a flitting blvfsh, With downcast eyes and modest grace ; For well she knew, I could not chuse But gaze upon her...
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The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: With a Life of ...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1836 - 496 páginas, my Genevieve ! She loves me best, whene'er I sing The songs, that make her grieve. I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving story — An old rude song that fitted well The ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest...
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Flora's Dictionary

Elizabeth Washington Wirt - 1837 - 264 páginas
...tear To her whom love ahandoned to despair Prior. MAEVEL OF PEEC •tBABtUS. TtMtDtTY. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes, and modest grace, For well she knew l could not choose But gaze upon her face ........... Coleridge. With easy smiles dispelled the silent...
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The Book of Gems: Wordsworth to Bayly

Samuel Carter Hall - 1838 - 338 páginas joy, my Genevieve ! She loves me hest, whene'er I sing The songs that make her grieve. I played a soft and doleful air, I sang an old and moving story — An old rude song that fitted well The ruin wild and hoary. She listened with a flitting blush, With downcast eyes and modest...
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