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" Ten thousand thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ ; Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. "
The English Reader; Or, Pieces in Prose and Verse, from the Best Writers ... - Página 214
por Lindley Murray - 1842 - 252 páginas
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The Spectator, Volume 6

1729 - 320 páginas
...Sorrows funk Revived my Soul with Grace. IX. Thy bounteous Hand with worldly Slifs Has made my Cup run o'er, 'And in a kind and faithful friend Has doubled all my Store. X. Ten thoufand thoufand precious Gifts My Daily Thanks employ, 'Her is the lecift a chearful Heart,...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Volume 2

Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 páginas
...haft Thou Reviv'd my Soul with Grace. v. Thy bounteous Hand, with worldly Blift, Has made my Cup run o'er, And in a kind and faithful Friend Has doubled all my Store. Ten thoufand thoufand precious Gifts My daily Thanks employ ; Nor is the leaft a chearful Heart, That...
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The seraph, a collection of divine hymns and poems from the best authors

Seraph - 1754 - 294 páginas
...forrows funk, Reviv'd my foul with grace. IX. Thy bounteous hand with worldly blifs, Has made my cup run o'er; And in a kind and faithful friend, Has doubled all my ftore. X. Ten thoufand thoufand precious gifts, My daily thanks employ; !Nor is the leaft a chearful...
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A Collection of Hymns of the Children of God in All Ages, from the Beginning ...

United Brethren in Christ - 1754 - 828 páginas
...forrows funk, Reviv'd my foul with Grace. 9. Thy bounteous Hand with terap'ral Goods Has made my cup run o'er, And in a kind and faithful Friend Has doubled all my ftore. 10. Ten thoufand thoufand precious Gifts, My daily thanks employ ; Nor is the lead a chearful...
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The Spectator, Volume 6

1767 - 334 páginas
...funk, Rrvi-v'd my foul ivitb grace. IX Thy lounteous hand ivitb ivora'ly bKfs Has my cup run o'er, And in a kind and faithful friend Has doubled all my Jt ore. Ai Ten thoufcind thoufand precious gifts Nor is the leaft a tbearful heart, that tajtcs tbofe...
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Poems for Young Ladies: In Three Parts : Devotional, Moral, and Entertaining ...

1770 - 268 páginas
...forrows funk, Reviv'd my foul with grace. Thy bounteous hand with worldly' blifs Has made my cup run o'er, And in a kind and faithful friend Has doubled all my ftore. Ten thoufand thoufand precious gifts My daily thanks employ, Nor is the leaft a chearful heart,...
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A collection of psalms and hymns, from various authors

Collection - 1774 - 422 páginas
...forrows funk, Reviv'd my foul with grace. 6 Thy bounteous hand with worldly blifs Has made my cup run o'er ; And in a kind and faithful friend Has doubled all my (lore. 7 Thro' ev'ry period of my life Thy goodnefs I'll furfue ; And after death in diftant worlds,...
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A collection of hymns and sacred poems

Collection - 1779 - 200 páginas
...forrows funk, Reviv'd my foul with grace ] [9. Thy bounteous hand with worldly blifs Has made my cup run o'er ; And in a kind and faithful friend Has doubled all my ftore.J 10. Ten thoufand thoufand precious gifts My daily thanks employ ; Nor is the leaft a chearful...
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Poems on Various Subjects: Selected to Enforce the Practice of Virtue. And ...

1780 - 226 páginas
...farrows fuak, Reviv'd my foul with grace. Thy bounteous hand with worldly blifs Has made my cup run o'er, And in a kind and faithful friend Has doubled all my flore. Ten thoufand thoufand precious gifts My daily thanks employ, Nor is the leaft a cheerful heart,...
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The Book of Psalms: As Translated, Paraphrased, Or Imitated by Some of the ...

1781 - 660 páginas
...Sorrow funk, Reviv'd my Soul with Grace. P[Thy bounteous Hand with worldly Blifs Hath made my Cup run o'er ; And, in a kind and faithful Friend, Has doubled all my Store.] 10 Ten thoufand thoufand precious Gifts My daily Thanks employ ; Nor is the lead a chearful Heart, That taftes...
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