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posed, may be made subject on their importation into each country respectively from the other, to such countervailing duty as shall appear to be just and reasonable in respect to such internal duty or duties on the materials; and that for the said purposes the articles specified in the said schedule, No. I. should, upon importation into Ireland, be subject to the duty which shall be set forth therein, liable to be taken off, diminished or increased in the manner herein specified; and that upon the like export of the like articles from each country to the other respectively, a drawback shall be given, equal in amount to the countervailing duty, payable on the articles herein before specified, on the import into the same country with the other; and that in like manner, in future, it shall be competent to the united parliament to impose any new or additional countervailing duties, or to take off or diminish such existing countervailing duties as may appear on like principles to be just and reasonable, in respect of any future or additional internal duty on any article of the growth or manufacture of either country, or of any new additional duty on any materials of which such article may be composed, or any abatement of the same; and that when any such new or additional countervailing duty shall be so imposed on the import of any article into either country from the other, a drawback equal in amount to such countervailing duty, shall be given in like manner on the export of every such article respectively from the same country.


Resolved, 24. That all articles, the growth, produce or ma nufacture of either kingdom, when exported through the other, shall in all cases be exported subject to the same charges as if they had been exported directly from the country of which they were the growth, produce or manufacture.

Resolved, 25. That all duty charged on the import of foreign or colonial goods into either country, shall, on their export to the other, be either drawn back, or the amount, if any be retained, shall be placed to the credit of the country to which they shall be so exported, so long as the general expences of the empire shall be defrayed by proportional contributions. Provided nothing herein shall extend to take away any duty, bounty or prohibition which exists with respect to corn, meal, malt, flour, and biscuit, but that the same may be regulated, varied or repeated, from time to time, as the united parliament shall deem expedient.


Of the articles to be charged with countervailing duties upon importation from Great Britain into Ireland, according to the sixth article of Union.


Articles to be charged with countervailing duty in Ireland:

[blocks in formation]

Of the articles charged with the duties specified upon impor tation into Great Britain and Ireland respectively, according to

the sixth article of the Union.

[blocks in formation]


WE, your majesty's loyal and dutiful subjects, the Commons of Ireland, at all times sensible of the numerous and essential advantages, which we, in common with your subjects in Ireland, have derived under your auspicious reign beg leave to assure you, that none have more impressed the hearts of your majesty's subjects than the adjustment at your majesty's graVOL. V.


cious recommendation entered into by the parliament of Great Britain and Ireland in 1782, thereby forming the most solemn compact which can subsist between two countries under a common sovereign; that the result of that compact and adjustment was the increase of our trade and of our revenue, together with the harmony of the two parliaments and the support of the connection; that the said compact on the part of your majesty's parliament of Ireland, has been religiously and beneficially adhered to, insomuch, that a final termination of all constitutional questions between the two nations took place, and the commercial points which at that time remained to be settled, have since, without agitation or ferment, been gradually and satisfactorily disposed of.

That under these circumstances it is with the deepest concern and the greatest surprise we have seen a measure propounded, under the name of Union, to set aside this most important and sacred covenant, to deprive this country of her parliament in time to come, and in lieu thereof to introduce an innovation, consisting of a separate Irish government without an Irish parliament, whose power is to be transferred to a British parliament without an availing Irish representation therein, an innovation such as may impair and corrupt the constitution of Britain without preserving the liberties of Ireland; so that this country shall be in time to come taxed without being duly represented and legislated by a body out of the realm, incapable of applying proper remedies, and remote from the means of knowing her wants, her wishes, and her interests.

That giving the name of Union to the measure is a delusion; the two kingdoms are already united to each other in one common empire, one in unity of interest and unity of constitution, as has been emphatically pronounced from the throne by your majesty's former viceroy, bound together by law, and what is more effectual than law, by mutual interest, mutual affection, and mutual duty, to promote the common prosperity of the empire, and it is our glory and happiness that we form an inseparable part of it.

That this union has stood the test of ages, unbroken by the many foreign wars, civil commotions and rebellions which have assailed it, and we dread the rash and desperate innovation which now would wantonly and unnecessarily put it to the hazard; an innovation which does not affect to strengthen the unalterable interest of each country in supporting the revolution that placed your majesty's illustrious family on the throne, for that interest cannot be increased by any law; it is implanted in our hearts is interwoven with our grows with our growth, and strengthens with our strength.


Neither does it profess their connection together, because that interest already exists, and we know and feel that such connection includes all that is dear to us, and is essential to the common happiness and existence of both nations.

We therefore do, with all humility, implore your majesty's protection of that glorious revolution, and of that essential connection against the perseverance of your majesty's ministers in their endeavour to enforce this ruinous measure.

Their avowed object is a union of the two nations; but the only union they attempt is a union of the two parliaments, and the articles which are to attend their partial and defective union, are all so many enumerations of existing distinct interests in the two kingdoms, which it cannot identify, and which require separate parliaments resident in each duly to attend them.

In respect to taxes, the purse of each nation is vested in its own House of Commons by the principles of the constitution; the security of our liberty, and the great constitutional balance of the powers of the state, lie in its being left there; but the articles acknowledge a separate purse, and a separate interest in that purse, by providing for a separate proportion of expence, separate modes and laws of taxation, separate debts, separate sinking funds, separate treasury, separate exchequer, separate accounts of revenue to be kept, and separate articles of produce to be placed in the way of debtor and creditor between the two kingdoms as between two unconnected parties; and though they state, acknowledge and attempt to form regulations for all these many distinct interests, which no laws can identify or consolidate; and though even the legal interest of money remains different in the two kingdoms without their attempting to assimilate it, yet they take away the Irish parliament, which these distinctnesses ought rather to have suggested the creation of, if it did not exist, and they lay the foundation of distress, discontent, and jealousies in this kingdom, if not of worse evils, and tend to familiarize ideas of separation instead of union, to the utter ruin of this your ancient kingdom, and your loyal subjects therein.

In regard to manufactures, they acknowledge the interest in them to be so distinct, that they are forced to provide in express terms against a free intercourse being allowed between the two kingdoms, in more than twenty general denominations, and they establish countervailing duties on the mutual import of at least twenty-four species of goods on account of the necessary difference in taxation and the distinctness of revenue, which, from the separate interest of the two kingdoms in them, will not admit of consolidation,

On the mutual interchange of corn, that great necessary of life, they not only continue duties, but they provide for retaining prohibitions and bounties; and instead of even alleging an identity of interest in so important and general an article, they avow such separate interest to exist in it as law cannot remove; and an interdict is necessary to be laid on its free communication between two kingdoms, which your majesty's ministers have at the same time the hardiness to tell us, their project is to unite, identify, and consolidate throughout all their inte


We see with them that these interests are distinct, and we therefore raise up our voices to your majesty against their impracticable attempt to consolidate them; an attempt which they themselves acknowledge to be so by their many provisions, all intended to secure a continuance of their distinctness.

But, however separate these interests are in taxes, in revenue, in trade, and in manufactures, and however incapable of being identified, we have the happiness of knowing, that in the great point of constitution no difference exists; both nations have a full right to all the blessings of the British constitution, and we have an identity, not a distinctness of interest, in the possession of it; yet such is the strange passion of your majesty's ministers for innovation, that not finding any such distinctness, they do by these articles create several highly alarming to us, and to all your majesty's subjects of this kingdom, who claim an equal right with Great Britain in the full and free enjoyment of that constitution.

All the Irish temporal lords, except twenty-eight, are to be incapacitated by this measure exercising their rights and duties as peers and hereditary counsellors, while every British temporal lord is to retain his full functions.

Four spiritual lords only are to have a share in the legislature, while all the British spiritual lords are to continue theirs; and two-thirds of the Irish commoners are to be disqualified, while every British commoner remains.

The articles further declare, that all Irish peerages shall be considered as peerages of the united kingdom, whereby the Irish peers who are to be incapacitated from legislating as peers are to continue peers, and may legislate as commoners, against every known principle and established practice of the constitution; nay, even when chosen commoners, they are not to represent any place in Ireland, the country from whence they derive their honours, although their voices as commoners will extend equally with that of every other commoner to all the corners of this kingdom; and thus the Irish purse will be eventually put into the hands of the Irish peers, in direct defiance of a great and fundamental principle of the consti


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