Imagens das páginas

On the 20th of June 1798 the Marquis Cornwallis arrives in
Dublin-He changes the whole system of the military govern-
ment-Happy consequences of his measures
All the principal inhabitants of Wexford arraigned for treason
upon General Lake's army entering the city-Captain Keugh
remains in the town-Bagenal Harvey retires to his seat in
the country-Colclough and Harvey taken in the Saltee islands
Grogan taken at his mansion of Johnstown-All successively
tried by court-martial and executed, and their properties
confiscated by a subsequent act of the Irish parliament

The scene of terrorism closed by order of the lord lieutenant,

who orders General Lake to Dublin-Good conduct of Gene-

ral Hunter-The Northern insurgents attack Antrim, and

take it-Death of Lord O'Neil

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The other body of Wexford rebels are defated near Hackets-
town, in the county of Wicklow-The rebels direct, their
course for Carnew, and defeat General Needham's cavalry-
They defeat the yeoman cavalry at Ballyrakeen

Lord Cornwallis's proclamation-An act of amnesty published

A message from his excellency to the House of Commons-A
copy of the certificate of protection and oath, Note-The re-
bels fix their station near Wicklow Gap-Are surrounded


Courts martial instituted in Ross, Enniscorthy, Gorey and New-
ton Barry-Among the rest the Rev. John Redmond exe-
cuted though apparently innocent, at the prosecution of Lord
Mountnorris-The leading Orange junto of Wexford

The Rev. Mr. Gordon's account of the execution of Redmond

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Retaliation of Protestants upon Catholics for the murders com-
mitted by this banditti-Hacket killed near Arklow-Holt
surrenders to Lord Powerscourt on condition of being trans-
ported-The lord lieutenant's message to parliament
The lord lieutenant presents papers mentioned in his message
all sealed up in a box-On the 27th of July the attorney gene-
ral moves an act for attainder of Lord Edward Fitzgerald,
Cornelius Grogan, and Beauchamp Bagenal Harvey-A bill
of general amnesty followed some time after

Napper Tandy and about thirty other fugitives in France ex-

cepted from bill of general amnesty-Humane conduct of

General Hunter and his brigade major Captain Fitzgerald in



His remarkable answer to a curate reporting false alarms 55

Mr. Hawtry White's false alarms-Cruelty exercised upon the
miserable peasantry-General Hunter proves Hawtry White
a perjured and false alarmist



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Upon a division, for the adjournment 32, against it 166-The
city of Dublin opposes the measure

Resolutions of Dublin, the lord mayor in the chair-Case of

George Sparks, Esq. oppressed by Wexford Orangemen,

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Meetings all over Ireland, even of the fellows and scholars of
Trinity college-Parliament meets 22d January 1799-The
viceroy's speech to both houses of parliament

An address moved from the lords-An amendment moved by

Lord Powerscourt-Rejected by a strong majority, 49 against

16-Lord Tyrone moves the address in the commons-Op-

posed by Sir John Parnell

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