GB/T 3921-2008 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 3921-2008, GB/T3921-2008, GBT3921-2008): Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to washing with soap or soap and soda [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 10/03/2015 - 10 páginas This Standard specifies methods for determining the colour fastness to washing of all kinds of textiles that are commonly used in households, It includes 5 type of tests on different washing procedures - from mild to severe procedure. This Standard is only used to determine the effect of washing on the colour fastness of the textile. It is not intended to reflect the result of the comprehensive laundering procedure. |
3 | |
Scope | 5 |
Principle | 6 |
Reagents and Materials | 7 |
Test Specimen | 8 |
Operation Procedures | 9 |
Test Report | 10 |
Palavras e frases frequentes
5g of soap Acetate Adjacent Fabric Adjacent Fabric GB/T assessing change Attach a specimen Bath ratio change in colour Chief Drafting colour and staining Colour Fastness complying with GB/T composite-specimen containing 5g containing wool content of fiber Cotton Cotton detergents Fastness to Washing Flax fluorescent brightening agents Free alkali calculated FZ/T Grade 3 water grey scales Instrumental Assessment loose fibres multifibre adjacent fabric non-dyeable fabric normative document normative references Number of steel Number of test Polyamide Polyester rinsing method Scale for Assessing scales or instrument second piece shorter edges single-fibre adjacent fabrics Soap and Soda Soap or Soap soap solution Sodium carbonate Specification for Standard specimen 100 Staining of Adjacent Standard Adjacent Fabric steel balls temperature test at 60°C test conditions test methods Test Report test specimen Tests for Colour Textiles Viscose Wool wool and acetate Wool or Cotton Wool Viscose yarn or loose